Alegria Palms Hermoso Grande Cordova, Cebu
Alegria Palms Hermoso Grande
Location : Alegria, Cordova, Cebu
Amenities :
- Elegant entrance with guard house
- Perimeter fence
- Water fountain
- Multi-Purpose hall with parking area
- Basketball court
- Selected landscaped and play areas
- Concrete roads with sidewalks
- Water distribution system supplied by water utility company
- Electrical power supply
- Cistern & overhead tank
House Details :
Hermoso Grande Model (2-Storey Single Detached House)
Lot Area : 180 sq. m. and up
Floor Area : 194 sq. m.
6 Bedrooms
3 Toilet and Bath
Living and Dining Area
Kitchen and Service Area
Porch and Carport
Sample Computation :
Total Selling Price(TSP) : Php 6, 158, 172. 00
1. Reservation Fee(RF) : Php 30, 000. 00 (deductible from the downpayment)
2. 30% Equity/Downpayment(DP) : Php 1, 817, 452. 00 payable up to 12 months
: 151, 454/month for 12 months
3. 70% Balance Amount : Php 4, 310, 720. 00
20 years @ 30, 883/month
15 years @ 36, 376/month
10 years @ 47, 858/month
5 years @ 83, 338/month
Deal only with PRC and HLURB Accredited Real Estate Practitioners for your protection and safety
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☎ (032) 514 5945 LANDLINE
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