Overlooking lot for sale along highway in Aloguinsan Cebu
Overlooking lot for sale along highway
Located in Kawasan , Aloguinsan Cebu
30 minutes drive from carcar city
1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Cebu City
Water and electricity are vailable
Area: 27. 000 sqm clean title
Price: 800 per sqm clean title
Owner will allow portion like 1 hectare
Direct BUYERS only
For inquiries please contact : 09171133711/09296419733 , YouTube channel
Niño Jumao-as Caturza, PRC License. No. 0015450 until 1/22/22
PTR no. 2084766 valid until Dec. 2020
HLURB - CVRFO - B - 01/19-0015 until 1/31/2021