Bria Homes at Gran Europa
Bria Homes Gran Europa
Uptown, Lumbia Cagayan De Oro City
5 mins away from SM Uptown CDO
Few Units are left!
House Details:
Alecza DX (Duplex)
Lot Area 81sqm
Floor Area 36sqm
2 Bedrooms
1 Toilet and Bath
1 Carport
Service Area
Total Contract Price: Php 1, 360, 000
Reservation Fee: Php 10, 000
Downpayment payable for 18 months: Php 10, 778/month
Loanable Amount:
Bank Financing
05 years to pay – Php 22, 891/month
10 years to pay – Php 13, 423/month
15 years to pay – Php 10, 391/month
20 years to pay – Php 8, 963/month
Inquire us for more information.
Contact Us:
royalestatexebu@gmail. com